Ботаніка. Терміни. Поняття.

by AHrts

Books & Reference


The appendix is ​​presented by type of dictionary and contains about 3000 terms from various branches of botanical science, the most commonly used terms from mycology, virology, genetics, selection, seed production, ecology and plant protection.Etymological data on all foreign terms are given.Designed for teachers and students of biological faculties, students of non-specialized institutions studying the discipline of "Botany", biology teachers, ecologists and conservationists.The textbook is used as a basis for the content of the applicationBarna MM Botany. Terms. Concept. Personalities: a textbook / MM Barna. - 2nd type. dop. and changes. - Ternopil: LLC "Terno-graf", 2013. - 360 p .: ill.